National Council of Women of Victoria

About National Council of Women of Victoria

Patron in Chief: The Governor of Victoria, Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC

View by Topic

>> Establishment
>> Early Achievments: Education, Welfare, Law, Economics, Environment
>> Recent Achievements
>> Current Issues
>> Structure of National Council of Women of Victoria
>> History of NCWV
>> Privacy Statement

The Beginning...

Established in Victorian 1902, the National Council of Women of Victoria is one of the oldest women's organisations in Victoria. It is non-sectarian and non-party political in encouraging the participation of women in all aspects of community life.

At the first NCWV congress in 1903 among the subjects debated were:

These are still on the agenda today!

Early Achievements

Through the efforts of the Standing Committees of NCWV alone or with other organisations some of our earlier achievements were:

  • Women as School Inspectors (first one in 1914)

  • Increased pay for Junior Teachers (1920's)

  • Access to Agricultural Colleges (1967)  

  • Appointment of first (2) Policewomen (1917)

  • Women Magistrates (1927)

  • Women Jurors (Commenced in 1915 with legislation to amend the Jurie's Act, passed in 1974 - 60 Years Later

  • Rights of the Child (1905 8)                

  • Widows Pension (advocated in 1925, introduced 17 years later)

  • Equal Pay for Equal Work

  • Pioneer Women's Memorial Gardens (1934)


Recent Achievements

Current Issues

Structure of National Council of Women of Victoria

The Executive Committee consists of the President, two Vice Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary, Regional Vice President, Immediate Past President (12mths), Coordinator of Standing Committees, Individual Members Convener,
and up to five Executive Committee members who meet monthly.

NCWV has a regional branch at: Geelong

NCWV has a strong network of Standing Committees and pro bono advisers to assist with the preparation of submissions on a wide range of issues. Most of the work is undertaken through five Standing Committees, Communications, General Wellbeing, Social Issues, Status of Women and Sustainable Development.

Further work is undertaken on projects and special events by members as individuals or in project groups.

Council Membership categories are Affiliates (Affiliated Organisations are entitled to 2 representatives per organisation) and Individual Members, including Life Members who meet together at council meetings which are held monthly, 10 times per year. The Executive Committee meets monthly, except January.

History of NCWV

>> Click here to view the History of NCWV

Privacy Statement

Revised Commonwealth Privacy Laws are now in place and give you new rights in terms of personal information held by organisations, such as the right to access your personal information and correct it if needed. These Laws also state how organisations may collect, disclose and keep safe your personal information.

The National Council of Women of Victoria values and has always protected your privacy. Any personal information which NCWV keeps about you, such as your address, enables NCWV to conduct the business of Council and deliver and enhance the services we provide. NCWV recognises and supports your right to privacy in relation to this information and will continue to handle it with care and in accordance with legal requirements.

You can gain access to your personal information and advise the NCWV Secretariat at any time if that information is inaccurate or incomplete, on:


0447 351 234


[email protected]