National Council of Women Victoria

STOP PRESS: July Council meeting Thursday 4 July, 5:00 for 5:15pm start

We are overjoyed to welcome Xavier Towns to speak to us about his specialised Degree Course at Deakin University, Burwood Campus in a talk entitled: Cyber Security.

Cyber security and the potential danger associated with the use of computers and computer networks, is a topic of relevance to all of us. We live in a world of online transactions.

Xavier is happy to give up his time to share with us many of the issues related to the use of computers – in fact all devices -- and our cyber safety, and we value greatly the opportunity to have an expert young person taking us through what is happening, and what we can do to protect ourselves.

Please note: this is one of our LATE meetings to enable students, and those who are unable to join us at lunchtime, to access this meeting.

The Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs, References Committee: Inquiry into Issues related to menopause and perimenopause

The NCWV Council is delighted that the committee has accepted our submission as public and allocated it submission number 161. The document (#161) can be read on the Inquiry website.

We thank Prof. Cassandra Szoeke, NCWV Health Adviser and Robyn Byrne, Coordinator Standing Committee Victoria, for their excellent work on this along with NCWA.

The committee is required to report by 10 September 2024 and the report will be published on the committee's website.

Parliament of Victoria, Legislative Assembly Legal and Social Issues Committee: Inquiry into capturing data on family violence perpetrators in Victoria

The NCWV Council is delighted that the Committee has accepted our submission, allocated Submission No 23. The submission can be read on the website . We thank Standing Committee Coordinator, Robyn Byrne OAM for her work on this submission.

The June edition of the NCWV Newsletter is now available.

June 6 Individual Members & Council Meeting

Terese Edwards, CEO, Single Mothers Families Australia Inc.

Single Mothers Families Australia Inc (SMFA) is an organisation that has been championing single mothers and their families since 1973. SMFA was founded ‘out of wedlock’ in Melbourne. It was started to fight the condoning of forced adoptions and the refusal of parent payments. We salute single mothers' talents, diversity and resolve and work with and for single mothers to advance equality, fairness, and respect. Structural and gender disadvantages are choices, and the wrong decisions have harmed too many single mother families who live with financial distress, fear, and stigma. We provide a range of platforms that give voice and respect to the lived reality for single mother families. Our key focus is single mother families affected by hardship, poverty, and gender-based violence.

Terese’s talk is in the June Newsletter.

NCWV AGM Thursday 7 September, 2023

40 Members attended by ZOOM, with 10 apologies. The NCWV Annual Report 2022-2023 was approved

Election of Committee:
President: Elida Brereton
Vice-President: Guosheng Chen
Vice-President: Pam Hammond
Hon Secretary: Tracey Ahern Hon.
Treasurer: Deanne Baptista
General members: Deborah Towns OAM, Hean Bee Wee AM, Susannah Duncan
Individual Members Representative: Vacant
State Coordination Standing Committee: Professor Cassandra Szoeke
Public Officer, Tracey Ahern

The following newsletters are now available: June 2024, May 2024, April 2024, March 2024, February 2024, December 2023, November 2023, October 2023, September 2023, August 2023, July 2023, June 2023, May 2023, April 2023, March 2023, February 2023, December 2022, November 2022, October 2022, September 2022, August 2022, July 2022, June 2022, May 2022, April 2022, March 2022, February 2022, December 2021, November 2021, October 2021


Membership means you can

  • Meet others interested having a voice in women’s issues at local, state, federal and international levels

  • Build your leadership and community advancement skills by participating in the running of our incorporated association

  • Participate in the voting process at the Annual General Meeting

  • Share your knowledge, skills & experience as a volunteer, speaker or mentor

  • Enjoy member benefits, including newsletters, reports and special event rates  

  • Contribute financially to support our Civics and Citizenship program including the annual My Vote My Voice student event at the Parliament of Victoria

Mission Statement

National Council of Women of Victoria, NCWV, is a non-party-political, non-sectarian, not-for-profit, umbrella organisation with broadly humanitarian and educational objectives. It seeks to raise the awareness of women as to their rights and responsibilities as citizens and encourages their participation in all aspects of community life.


Work for the empowerment of women and families and to promote equal status for women in law and fact.
Develop policies and responses on behalf of women on a state-wide basis.
Act as a voice on issues and concerns of women at state and regional levels.
Link with the women of Australia and the International Council of Women through the National Council of Women of Australia and contribute to the implementation of their plans of action and policies.


NCWV has adopted the International Council of Women (ICW-CIF) Theme: “Transforming Society through the Empowerment of Women”

Who’s under our Umbrella?

National Council of Women of Victoria membership comprises organisations (affiliates), eligible organizations of women or men and women, and individual members approved by the Council.

>> List of organisations (affiliates)

NCWV Office Bearers and Committee 2023 - 2024

>> 2022-2023 NCWVic Annual Report

NCWV AGM was held 7 September with the following people elected to Committee


Elida Brereton

Vice President A

Pam Hammond

Vice President B

Guosheng Chen

Hon. Secretary / Public Officer

Tracey Ahern


Hean Bee Wee AM (acting)

State Coordinator of Standing Committees

Professor Cassandra Szoeke

Ordinary Members of Committee (5 places)

Dr Deborah Towns OAM,,
Hean Bee Wee AM,
Susannah Duncan,
Ronniet Milliken

Individual Members Representative


Regional Branch Representative

Alexandra Jeffrey, Geelong Branch President